With Related Posts for WordPress becoming more populair, more plugin combinations and possible conflicts arise. One of these ‘conflicts’ was WPML. Because of the way Related Posts for WordPress works it completely ignored the language a post was given by WPML. This means it was possible to get a Dutch related post at an English post and vice versa. Not what you would want or expect to happen most of the time.
Compatible but not out of the box
When looking into adding compatibility I found out I had to do some SQL changes to make the plugin only include posts of the same language. The biggest problem for me though wasn’t the SQL modification but the checks I needed to add throughout the plugin to see if another plugin was installed. These checks would run for everyone, also those who don’t got WPML installed and thus effect performance for everyone. Because of this I’ve decided to create a new plugin which adds WPML compatibility to Related Posts for WordPress instead of adding it in the core plugin.
You can read more about the extension and download it on the WPML compatibility page at the Related Posts for WordPress website.
I understand it’s an extra plugin to install and this might be considered as annoying but I think it’s important to keep the core plugin as lean as possible. I’m very interested in what your thoughts are on this! Do you agree with this being a separate plugin or should it be included in the main plugin?
Ps. For those wondering, that’s Download Monitor handling the extension downloads 😉
I said it before, I’ll say it again: WordPress plugins should do one thing and do it well.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: mid or feed.