Gravity Forms is in my opinion the best choice if you’re looking for a form plugin. Unfortunately by default only users with the Administrator role can access the Gravity Forms admin screen. If you want other roles being able to create forms, view entries, etc. simply use the following code.
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Admin Restriction
Everyone who builds and/or (technical) manage websites for their clients probably recognises the following situation. Your client’s website ‘suddenly’ breaks, after asking what happend you probably got one of the following answers:
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Bootstrap submenu open on mouse over
When developing a custom theme I love using Roots Theme. One of the reasons I do is because of it’s integration of Twitter’s Bootstrap. The only thing I always change is the menu’s behaviour, I want it to open on mouse over instead of on click.
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Open menu items in new window or tab
I often get asked how to have menu items open in a new window or tab, also known as target=”blank”. This feature is supported in WordPress by default, you just need to know how to enable it. Open “Screen Options” in the Appearance > Menus page and click on the “Link Target” checkbox under “Show advanced menu properties”.
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Getting the URL for a translated page based on the URL of a different language using WPML
When working with WPML the other day I ran into the following issue. I had to redirect the visitor to the preferred language translated page, based on an url. This also ment that at the point of redirecting there no post id yet know.
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