I have some really excited news to share today! Starting August I will be joining WooThemes!
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I have some really excited news to share today! Starting August I will be joining WooThemes!
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Add the following to your functions.php to display a sequential list of all actions that run on the page you’re viewing.
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GitHub is offering releases for almost a year now and I love using them. Releases are first-class objects with changelogs and binary assets that present a full project history beyond Git artifacts. Following the conventions of many Git projects, releases are tied to Git tags. You can use an existing tag, or let releases create the tag when it’s published.
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Poor plugin performance can be caused by many things, but there is one thing that will definitely increase your plugin’s performance: conditional loading. Allot of WordPress plugins load their code on every page, or actually on every request.
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Dinsdag 7 januari jongstleden vond de eerste Tilburgse WordPress meetup plaats. Van de totaal 33 inschrijven zaten we na wat afmeldingen en ‘no showers’ toch nog met een groep van 25 mensen. Op het programma van de avond stond een presentatie van Coen Jacobs over WooCommerce en een presentatie van mij over Unit Testing. Continue Reading…