Since WooCommerce 2.2 password protected products are not hidden by default anymore because we believe catalog visibility should be set via the ‘Catalog visibility’ option.
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Since WooCommerce 2.2 password protected products are not hidden by default anymore because we believe catalog visibility should be set via the ‘Catalog visibility’ option.
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Today Related Posts for WordPress passed 1000 downloads! A small milestone in the eye of many but a pretty big one for me. I realize that download figures don’t reflect plugin quality or user happiness but the fact that Related Posts for WordPress managed to pass 1K in 17 days is definitely motivation for me to keep going. Also the reviews on wordpress.org and mentions on Twitter are amazing to see, thanks a lot!
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Instead of writing up another ‘how to’ post explaining what every filter does, I decided to just share a class I’ve created that can be reused for adding your own settings to WooCommerce with settings tab to the WooCommerce settings page.
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As many of you might know I’ve created a plugin called Post Connector and it’s been up and available for download for some time now. Although most client feedback are positive, I do get a “It’s pretty complicated to work with” support ticket once every while. After asking these clients what they are trying to accomplish with the plugin and what part they find difficult to do, it’s been the same answer every time.
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Last month I announced I’m joining WooThemes, this change of jobs has impact on one of my WordPress plugins: Post Connector. As announced in that post, Post Connector will move to its own website. Well that happened along with some other excited changes.
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