How will the EU enforce the new VAT rules to non EU countries

If you’re selling stuff online, especially digital goods, you can’t have missed this. European VAT laws will change January 1st 2015. Starting January 1st, VAT must be paid at the ‘place of supply’. This basically means that you have to charge VAT based on the country of your consumer, so a Dutch consumer will have to pay Dutch VAT (21%) in your webshop regardless of where your webshop is based.
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The importance of WordPress coding standards

With the size of the WordPress project and the gigantic ecosystem created by it, it’s important we (as developers) do certain things the same. Following the WordPress coding standards makes us ‘format’ our code all in the same way, while still giving us all the room for our own creativity. In this post I want to highlight some PHP coding standards, if you’re interested in the full list you can view the Handbook page on WordPress PHP coding standards here.
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