WordSesh is only 4 days away and I don’t know about you but I’m pretty excited! The speakers and the schedule are announced and they look awesome. Today my talk title has been added as well: Unit Testing in WordPress
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WordSesh is only 4 days away and I don’t know about you but I’m pretty excited! The speakers and the schedule are announced and they look awesome. Today my talk title has been added as well: Unit Testing in WordPress
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WordPress made using AJAX easier than ever. By simply hooking into one or two actions, depending on where the AJAX needs to be available, you can setup the PHP side of your AJAX. The JavaScript part isn’t much harder. With jQuery bundled in WordPress it’s easily done with one of the jQuery AJAX functions.
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So you’re developing with WordPress. Whether you’re working on your own plugins, themes or doing client work, you’ll eventually run into the need of debugging something. Most people will simply print the data they need to debug to the screen but I’m not a big fan of this. When working on WordPress, or any web application, I don’t want to search through the browser where the data/error is being printed. I want a separate screen where all my data is logged in a clear way.
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nRelated is going to shut down their service and a lot of people are moving over to Related Posts for WordPress as an alternative. These ‘movers’ are different than people that decided they needed related posts on their website, found my plugin and installed it. These ‘movers’ are already used to specific features, so their expectations are very specific. For many people the move from nRelate to Related Posts for WordPress is a good fit but not for everyone.
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In this weekly returning item I’ll be sharing WordPress related stories I read this week and found worth sharing. This is the week 50 – 2014 edition.
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